Monday, March 22, 2010

Our Requisite Neediness is just Better Hidden...

I know it's not easy trying to understand us girls these days. We're such a paradox, such chameleons, so guarded, so jaded. Don't let our big fancy jobs scare you. Don't let the fact that we can travel, have flings, take chances for ourselves scare you off. We still need you. Men. Your presence, your smell, your voice. All of it. In fact, we probably need you more than ever. I sure do.
As I sit through my workday, delivering some crazy presentation, or just sitting idle in a meeting, I find myself thinking of how much better my morning would be going if we'd had sex before we got up today. Or how much faster the afternoon would pass if I could spend it daydreaming about what to make you for dinner. I stroll through the fancy shops at lunch, my mind a million miles away. As I absentmindedly spray my wrists with pretty perfume, I think about having your face buried in my hair, or my hands entangled in yours. I think of how my breath catches when you get a little bit close to me, and how the fantasy of you leaning in for our first kiss can make my heart thud loudly. I get pretty much carried away until I see my colleague giving me a "pay attention" look across the table and I try and shake you out of my mind.

Incredibly, as the day winds to a close, I am singled out and thanked for particularly good work with a certain client, or an incident i've handled. I'm grateful but secretly incredulous- did I really manage to accomplish something besides fantasizing about my non-existent boyfriend? It seems so!